Friday, 13 September 2013

1st Sewing Club Meeting

We had our 1st Sewing Club Meeting tonight at Starbucks and I forgot to take a picture as there was a last minute rush to leave at the end as Corinne's husband arrived to pick her up and I had to pick my daughter up from work.

Anyway, we had a great time!!!!  There were just 3 of us and I don't know if a 4th could've gotten a word in edgewise as we chatted up a storm.

Carley, Corinne and I (will put their blogs/websites below) told our life stories then actually got around to talking about sewing also.  It's wonderful when you get together with people who share the same passion for your hobby.

If you live in Greater Vancouver and would like to join our little group please drop me a line ( and we'll have a chat.

Turns out I did take a picture afterall ... here we are :)

Monday, 9 September 2013

I Love Lucy ... fabric find.

Made these coasters from this great fabric I found with that old I Love Lucy Chocolate Factory episode.

My 89 year old Aunt just had a birthday and I made a "mug rug" for her out of this fabric.  She loved it.

It's great when you get a fabric that not only you like the look of, but that it brings back a lot of fond memories.